Search results for: “bipolar”

  • Bipolar disorder: More than mood swings

    People who have bipolar disorder experience shifts between depression and intense energy. These shifts aren’t your typical mood swings, however. Bipolar mood changes are more extreme and cause significant…

  • How electroconvulsive therapy saved a mother and her child

    If you rely on popular culture, you may have an inaccurate view of what electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is. You may think it is a procedure of the past. But…

  • Understanding self-harm: 3 things to know

    Self-harm is an often misunderstood act that some people do to express or cope with emotional pain. A common misconception about self-harm is that it’s exclusive to women. In…

  • Heart disease prevention starts with kids

    When it comes to your heart health, knowledge is power. Start with helpful information to become an advocate for your heart. Read this story, one of our favorites, or…