How to prevent rotator cuff injuries
The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint that…
When are leg cramps worrisome?
Leg cramps in the inner thigh, outer thigh, calf and arch of the foot can…
Sprained ankle: 8 steps for strengthening
Strengthening exercises after a joint injury such as a sprained ankle can help athletes move…
Sports safety starts with the right gear to prevent injury
Shin guards, kneepads, helmets and masks have one big thing in common: it all improves…
Common finger injuries: Simple strains to dislocations
Each finger impacts your hand’s dexterity and ability to respond to a ball or other…
Same-day discharge after surgery with total joint replacements option for patients
Same-day discharge for total joint replacement surgery is becoming more common. Until recently, most patients…
Types of bone fracture: How to tell if it’s broken
If you’ve ever suffered a hard hit or fall, two questions often come to mind.…
Hand shaking? Why tremors are a health problem
Writing a sentence, eating a spoonful of soup or buttoning a shirt may seem like…
Inpatient rehabilitation: Specialized hospital care for recovery
After a severe injury or illness, your doctor may recommend inpatient rehabilitation. This type of…