Home / Cancer Care / 5 key colonoscopy questions conquered (VIDEO)

5 key colonoscopy questions conquered (VIDEO)

So you’ve heard about the importance of colonoscopies? How they allow doctors to detect cancer at an early and highly-curable stage. Or how polyps can be found and removed before becoming cancer.

Well, maybe you’re still anxious about the procedure. Don’t be. Clinic physicians have the answers to those colon questions lingering in your head.

Don’t skip the screening

Currently about 50 percent of all eligible people skip their colorectal cancer screenings each year. But they’re too important to miss. That’s because if everyone got a colonoscopy it would save about 19,000 lives every year, said Dr. Nilay Kumar, a gastroenterologist.

That’s why we’ve compiled answers to these 5 questions in the video below.

  • Why do colonoscopies make a difference?
  • Is it costly?
  • Do they hurt?
  • How is the prep?
  • How soon can I go back to work?


8 responses to “5 key colonoscopy questions conquered (VIDEO)”

  1. Curt B

    The issue I have with getting one is and insurance issue. The actual Colonoscopy is "covered" under Men's Wellness however…once a pallop is discovered and removed, that is a second procedure that is under a usual $1000 deductable hence costly me a $1000.

  2. Paul Almquist

    Rarely, if ever, do these articles mention concerns for folks on anticoagulants. I've had 2 colonoscopies (results: clean and shiny on the inside) before I started an anticoagulant med for A. fib and an artificial heart valve. I had just made an appointment for another colonoscopy when a friend who was also taking an anticoagulant had to go off it for a medical test. This person had a stroke as a result and has not recovered. I was told I'd have to go off my anticoagulant for the colonoscopy. We were not happy with this situation. (Maybe a stroke would not happen to me but there are no guarantees.) Colonoscopy appointment canceled. Am I a candidate for the Cologuard test?

    1. Kirsten Shakal

      Paul – We cannot give individualized health advice on this forum, so I cannot address your question concerning the Cologuard test. We recommend you share these concerns and questions with your doctor. If you do not have a doctor, but would like to make an appointment with a Marshfield Clinic gastroenterologist, please visit: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/Search?k=gastroenterology

      Thank you for providing feedback. We truly appreciate your comments. I will share with the blog team and we will consider writing a post on anticoagulants in the near future. -Kirstie

  3. Dave, a retiredSoldier

    Thank you very much. Although I am getting my screening thru the VA, your video helped me to prepare and understand the procedure. Thank you.

    1. Kirsten Shakal

      I am happy this video has helped answer your questions, Dave. We appreciate the feedback. -Kirstie

  4. Clarence

    I believe coddling those who won't submit to a colonoscopy is a mistake. I know men who have died from colon cancer who
    had had every opportunity to schedule the procedure but flat out refused to do so for reasons other than lake of funds. They also talked about how much they loved their wives, loved their children, bla bla bla but simply didn't man up and get it done.
    The best ability to love your family is availability. Same thing applies to prostate exams and PSA tests. Simply pathetic.

  5. Paul Hagstrom

    As we all know, there are some people who simply will not get a colonoscopy. Therefore, to save lives, alternative screening methods should all be mentioned.

    1. Kirsten Shakal

      Thanks for the suggestion, Paul. Our team appreciates the feedback. Some alternative screening methods are mentioned in this post: https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/cancer-care/colon-cancer-screening/ -Kirstie

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