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Patient story: Cardiac rehabilitation key to strengthening heart

Women on treadmill during cardiac rehabilitation
JoAnn Voss thought she was having bad heartburn, but it turned out to be a heart attack.

Heart attack warning signs aren’t always obvious and may even feel as mild as heartburn. That is something JoAnn Voss of Neillsville, Wisconsin, recently learned in dramatic fashion.

JoAnn woke in the middle of the night with what felt like the “worst heartburn of her life” but shrugged it off and went back to sleep. With the heartburn still persisting hours later she opted to make an appointment at Marshfield Medical Center-Neillsville right away. After undergoing an EKG, it was determined that what JoAnn was experiencing was actually a heart attack.

After being airlifted to Marshfield Medical Center in Marshfield and recovering from her heart procedure, JoAnn was ready for her next challenge – cardiac rehabilitation.

“She was very willing – she actually was calling me the day she got discharged from the hospital wondering when she could start. I didn’t even have the referral yet,” said Linda Ollech, R.N., a Marshfield Clinic Health System cardiac rehabilitation specialist.

The Health System offers cardiac rehab at seven locations. Every cardiac rehab patient is different depending on physical limits as well as commitment to the program, Ollech said.

JoAnn’s successful completion of cardiac rehab helped her return to the thing she enjoys most – giving back to the community.

Watch JoAnn’s story here:

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One response to “Patient story: Cardiac rehabilitation key to strengthening heart”

  1. Nancy Prince

    I love these personal stories on video. JoAnn has a remarkable story. Marshfield Clinic and Cardiac Rehab will keep her going. Great job Marshfield Clinic!

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