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RSV: A common, but potentially severe, respiratory virus

RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is a virus that makes it difficult to breathe because it causes inflammation of the upper and lower airways. It is most common in children younger than two years old.

Mother holding her baby with RSV at a doctor's office
RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is a virus that makes it difficult to breathe because it causes inflammation of the upper and lower airways.

The most common RSV symptoms include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Runny nose
  • Decreased appetite
  • Coughing
  • Fever

How to protect your child

Infants can be protected against RSV by either administering a vaccine to pregnant women 32-36 weeks gestation or by administering a monoclonal antibody to infants shortly after birth.  Infants at highest risk for RSV, such as premature infants and those with chronic lung or heart disease, can be given monoclonal antibody injections up till 19 months of age.

“We encourage all expectant parents and parents of high-risk infants less than 19 months of age to talk to their OB/GYN or child’s provider for how they can best protect their children against RSV,” said Dr. Thomas Boyce, pediatric infectious disease provider with Marshfield Children’s.

“Most infants will only need protection from the maternal RSV vaccine or administration of RSV monoclonal antibody to the infant, but not both.”

RELATED RESOURCE: Get the RSV vaccine from Marshfield Clinic Health System

You are encouraged to talk to your insurance carrier before receiving your RSV immunization to discuss coverage options.

There are other precautions you can take to decrease the risk of RSV infection. Respiratory secretions such as saliva and nasal mucus spread RSV. When respiratory secretions from an infected person enter your child’s body through their mouth, nose or eyes they can become infected.

“To prevent your infant from getting an RSV infection, avoid others with respiratory symptoms. RSV typically causes mild cold symptoms in older children and adults, but it can cause much more severe infections in young infants,” said Dr. Thomas Boyce, pediatric infectious disease provider with Marshfield Children’s.

RSV is most common from November to May, typically peaking in January or February.

What to do if your child has RSV

If your baby has respiratory syncytial virus, keeping them away from other children is important to avoid infecting others. You should adhere to any recommendations from your child’s school or daycare center regarding when they can return.

The best way to treat RSV is by making sure your child can breathe, eat and drink. Using a bulb syringe to suction mucus from their nose may be helpful. Fever-reducers can be used if they have a fever.

If the baby or child is breathing too hard or too fast to feed effectively, they should be brought to the emergency department.

If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, please talk to their pediatrician.

For questions about RSV, talk to a Marshfield Children’s provider.

Schedule appointment Message your provider

Related Shine365 articles:

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2 responses to “RSV: A common, but potentially severe, respiratory virus”

  1. Bob

    Well I was going to get the RSav vacine but was told it's not covered by insurance and out of pocket cost was well over $300.00

    1. Jordan Simonson

      Hi Bob, Yes, people are strongly encouraged to reach out to their insurance provider to see if the RSV vaccine is covered under their insurance. -Thanks, Jordan

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