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Birth control options: Choosing the best for your lifestyle

With so many birth control options available, choosing one may be confusing. Heather Sommers, an OB-GYN physician assistant with Marshfield Clinic Health System, says finding the best method for you involves balancing your lifestyle and priorities.

Graphic image of a woman thinking with contraceptive choices around her like thought bubbles.
When choosing your birth control method, your lifestyle, effectiveness and side effects can be factors in your decision.

A few most common options for contraceptives include the pill, the IUD, the implant, the patch, the ring, the shot, natural family planning and condoms. An infographic below explains details of each birth control method to see if it would fit with your needs.

Other options include natural family planning, spermicides and permanent sterilization.

What to consider when choosing birth control?

Sommers shares five important details to consider when you are choosing a contraceptive method for you. She explains it is important to discuss each option with your OB-GYN provider to identify the risks and benefits of each method.

Other details to consider:

1. Convenience and effectiveness

“Think about your lifestyle,” Sommers said. “Some women can remember to take a pill at the same time every day, but if you don’t have a regular schedule, your timing can get thrown off or you could forget.”

Convenience goes hand-in-hand with effectiveness because “birth control methods that take away human error are more effective,” Sommers said.

Contraception methods that must be taken or changed regularly and barrier methods are less effective if not used properly. Natural family planning requires daily effort and may not be very effective, especially for women with irregular menstrual cycles.

About 18% of women who rely on condoms and 24% of women who use natural family planning become pregnant within a year, according to National Library of Medicine article.

IUDs and Nexplanon (Implant) are very effective because patients don’t have to do anything for years after the device is placed. According to American Academy of Pediatrics, the copper IUD is up to 99% effective and the levonorgestrel IUD is more than 99% effective for preventing pregnancy. Contraceptive implant is early 100% effective at preventing pregnancy with typical use.

2. Fertility plans

Sommers recommends considering how long you want to prevent pregnancy when deciding on a contraceptive method. Birth control pills, patches, rings and barrier method contraception can be stopped at any time.

Long-acting reversible contraception prevents pregnancy for an extended time. Some examples include:

  • A Depo-Provera shot is effective for three months, but it can take a year for your menstrual cycle to become regular after stopping. It may not be the best option if you want to return to fertility quickly, Sommers said.
  • Nexplanon prevents pregnancy up to three years and IUDs for three, five or 10 years.
  • Vasectomy for men and tubal sterilization for women are permanent birth control options if you’re sure you don’t want to have children in the future.

3. Side effects

It’s important to consider the positive and negative side effects of some methods.

The hormones estrogen and progestin in birth control pills, patches and rings regulate your menstrual cycle and may make periods shorter and lighter. Sommers recommends that you avoid birth control with estrogen if you have a history of blood clots, high blood pressure, migraines or family history of breast cancer.

Progestin-only methods (Depo-Provera, Nexplanon and Progestin-containing IUDs) often make periods shorter, lighter or non-existent.

4. Cost

Health insurance offered by most employers, private insurers and the Health Insurance Marketplace covers FDA-approved birth control with no copay. Your insurance may not cover birth control if you work for a religious employer or a non-profit religious organization.

Generic birth control pills are typically inexpensive if you’re paying out-of-pocket. Implantable birth control has a higher up-front cost, but you won’t have to pay for it each month.

“Women have options to find a birth control method that works for them and is affordable,” she said. “There are many resources available to help cover costs, as needed.”

5. Sexually-transmitted infection protection

Condoms are the most effective way to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections.

Sommers said it is also important to be screened for infections on a yearly basis or if you are changing partners. Some forms of contraception, such as the IUD’s, can lead to serious complications if infections are not treated promptly.

Download Birth Control Options Infographic

Infographic that explains different birth control methods with details to help make a decision on what fits your needs.

For more information about birth control options, talk to your Marshfield Clinic Health System provider.

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2 responses to “Birth control options: Choosing the best for your lifestyle”

  1. Melissa M Easker

    What questions should you ask when choosing a gynecologist or OB/GYN? How do you know if you need one or the other?

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Hi, Melissa. Gynecology is the medical specialty that focuses on health of female reproductive and urinary systems. Obstetrics is the specialty that provides care for mom and unborn baby before, during and after pregnancy. In talking to Heather, OB-GYN physician assistant, she recommends seeing a provider first and then if things don't "click," request a change. If you have a specific problem, you can also use our website to find providers who specialize in that field. Additionally, Marshfield Clinic now has provider comments and ratings where you can see feedback from other patients who have visited that provider: https://marshfieldclinic.org/doctors

      I have shared with our Shine365 team "What questions should you ask when choosing a gynecologist or OB-GYN?" as a future topic idea. Thank you. -Kirstie

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