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Hair thinning? Treatment and causes for men and women

It is common for men and women to experience thinning hair and male pattern baldness as they age, but hair loss can occur for a number of reasons.

men with thinning hair due to hair loss and male pattern baldness
Heredity is the most common cause of hair loss for men and women. However, hair loss should be viewed as a medical concern. Individuals experiencing hair loss should be evaluated for underlying illnesses.

It can be devastating because hair loss is not a cosmetic issue, although those with hair loss may look at it that way, but may be a sign of underlying illnesses.

Millions are affected by hair loss

Male-pattern hair loss, or baldness as some prefer, increases with age in adults and affects 80% of men by the age of 80, said Erica Gyorfi, physician assistant in Dermatology at Marshfield Clinic Health System.

“Female-pattern hair loss increases with age in adults, peaking after menopause. About one-third of women aged 70 years and older are affected,” Gyorfi said.

Causes of hair loss

Thinning hair can be a common pattern as men and women get older, however there are other causes that may also contribute to hair loss including stressors, hairstyles, nutritional deficiencies, medications, weight loss, health conditions such as illness, anemia, hypothyroidism or autoimmune conditions.

The most common cause of hair thinning and balding is hereditary, which can be true for female or male pattern hair loss. This is called androgenetic alopecia. There are other hair loss conditions that can be temporary and others that are irreversible, which are called scarring alopecias.

Treatment options

“If there is concern for hair loss, I do recommend discussing with a health care professional such as their primary care provider and/or seeing a dermatology provider to evaluate further,” Gyorfi said.

At time of visit, further evaluation with lab work or scalp biopsy may be considered. Depending on the type of hair loss, treatment may include topical medications, steroid injections and oral medications. Hair transplants are another option, however this can be costly. Hair prosthetics can be considered instead of, or in addition to, treatment.

As many people do develop hair loss, it can be considered normal and not necessary to go ahead with treatment, but it is helpful to be aware of your options. If desired, begin evaluation and treatment early.

For hair loss concerns, talk to a Marshfield Clinic Health System provider.

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2 responses to “Hair thinning? Treatment and causes for men and women”

  1. VIcki Church

    I had chemotherapy at Marshfield Clinic in 2003, four sessions of AC, then 4 sessions of taxotere, which is a very aggressive chemo. I lost my hair, but when it grew back, it was much thinner and finer than it was – it was curly and thick before. I have tried everything – hair pills, shampoos, scalp treatments, Hair Club, spironolactone, rogaine, and scalp injections – nothing has helped. I researched Taxotere and found that it can destroy hair follicles. Do you offer anything that could possibly help me?

    1. Kirsten Shakal

      Hi, Vicki. I'm sorry you've had difficulty growing your hair back as it was. This Shine365 post has some hair loss information you may be interested in: https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/cancer-care/handling-hair-loss-cancer-treatment/

      We cannot give individualized health advice on this forum. Our comment policy addresses this: https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/shine365-comment-policy/

      If you've misunderstood this policy and do not wish your comment to be public, please email Shine365@MarshfieldClinic.org.

      We recommend you share your hair loss concerns with your primary care doctor or an oncologist. You might also consider seeing a specialist. Marshfield Clinic offers dermatology and endocrinology at various locations.

      I hope this helps. -Kirstie

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