Home / Bone & Joint / Man up: Win the bout with gout

Man up: Win the bout with gout

Man up series: Gout - doctor with mustache iconEditor’s note: This is part of a series of articles focused on health issues men need to talk about with their primary care physicians.

Gout is a form of arthritis that can be extremely painful and persistent. The good news is you can take steps to prevent the disease from taking root or recurring. Women can get gout, though it is more common in men.

Gout occurs when crystals deposit in a joint or body part, said Marshfield Clinic sports medicine physician Dr. Adam Atkins. Crystals form because of a buildup of uric acid in the body, which is often linked to diet. Gout also can occur because a person’s kidneys struggle to clear uric acid.

You are what you eat

“Generally, you should try to limit or avoid red meat, shellfish and foods with high levels of saturated fats, if you want to avoid gout,” Atkins said. Staying hydrated also is an important component of keeping gout at bay.

Aside from what you eat, gout also is more likely to occur in:

  • People with a family history of gout
  • Overweight individuals
  • People who consume more than two alcoholic drinks per day

Where gout occurs in the body

While gout commonly occurs in the big toe, most patients Atkins sees experience gout in the knee.

“Gout mostly affects the lower extremities, but it is possible to find gout in an upper extremity,” Atkins said. “Most of the patients I see who have gout have a swollen joint. I diagnose it by drawing fluid from the joint, and then I send it to the lab to test for crystals.”

Gout typically affects only one joint for people. For some, gout occurs a single time. For others, it is a recurring problem.


Dr. Atkins noted a few common symptoms that may indicate the onset of gout, including:

  • A quick onset of severe pain in the affected joint
  • Swelling in the affected joint
  • Redness and warmth in the affected joint

Preventing gout

“Eating a diet that has a moderate amount of protein and low fat, getting plenty of exercise — these are things that will help prevent gout,” Atkins said.

If lifestyle modification doesn’t work, a medication called allopurinol can be effective in preventing gout. The medication works by lowering uric acid levels in the body.

If you are experiencing symptoms of gout, contact your primary care provider.

Make an appointment


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2 responses to “Man up: Win the bout with gout”

  1. George Grundy

    Can you compare gout to pseudogout.? Are the diet restrictions, hydration and alcohol comsumption the same? I was diagnosed with it in my left shoulder a year ago and was treated with colchicine.

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Hi, George. Though we can't speak to individualized medical concerns on this forum, we did learn about pseudogout in our conversations with Dr. Atkins: "The difference between gout and pseudogout is the make-up of the crystals that deposit in the joint. Gout crystals are monosodium urate monohydrate. Pseudogout is caused by calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) crystals. Unlike with gout, which is linked to excessive alcohol consumption and a diet high in seafood and organ meats, pseudogout attacks are not linked to certain foods in your diet. The medication treatment is the same for gout and pseudogout — NSAIDs, steroids, or colchicine, and sometimes joint aspiration and cortisone injection. Pseudogout may be linked to conditions that cause increased calcium in the body, such as hypothyroidism or hyperparathyroidism."

      Contact your primary care provider for specific concerns and questions regarding your diagnosis or medication. -Kirstie

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