Early detection of colon polyps is the only way to prevent colon cancer from forming.
Colon polyps are not cancer, but the first sign that colon cancer may be developing. They can change to cancer in up to 10 years depending on various genetic and environmental factors.
Removing polyps during a colonoscopy can prevent colon cancer from forming in 90 percent of cases according to Dr. Sabo Tanimu, a gastroenterologist with Marshfield Clinic Health System.
Types of colon polyps and how to find them
They can vary in form with some being less or more likely to cause colon cancer:
- Adenoma: There are several types of adenomas, but in most cases, these can lead to cancer. If this type is found during your colonoscopy and all polyps are removed, you typically return for another colonoscopy in three to five years.
- Hyperplastic: These polyps usually are benign and typically do not lead to cancer. Your colonoscopy would not be repeated for another 10 years if these are the only polyps found.
While there are several ways to discover colon polyps, Dr. Tanimu said the best way is to have a colonoscopy.
“Colonoscopies are still the gold standard option for identification and removal,” he said.
A genetic test called Cologuard® uses a swab of your stool to detect DNA from colon polyps that have a predisposition for turning into cancer. This test is an option for people with average risk for colon cancer.
Cologuard is 90 percent effective at detecting colon polyps or early cancer, but Dr. Tanimu said a colonoscopy gives doctors a higher reassurance for colon cancer detection and prevention.
A CT colonography, sigmoidoscopy or fecal-immunochemical test are other colon cancer screening options.
Preventing colon polyps
“Many factors have been linked to developing colon polyps and cancer, but these are not as strong a factor as age, family history or inflammatory bowel diseases,” Dr. Tanimu said.
Excessive consumption of red meat, cigarette smoking, obesity, alcohol use and lack of physical activity also can lead to an increased risk.
Eating vegetables and high-fiber foods, taking vitamins that contain folic acid and taking aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, are thought to help prevent developing colon polyps even after they are removed during a colonoscopy.
“These choices have been shown to decrease the likelihood of developing polyps and ultimately cancer,” Dr. Tanimu said.
It is the combination of genetic and environmental factors that affect how susceptible you are.
If colon cancer is detected
Colon cancer is the third most common cancer for American men and women. Each case is different in terms of curability and aggressiveness. Prognosis often depends on how early the cancer is caught.
Most colon cancers are treated with surgery and chemotherapy. Radiation treatment may come into play if a patient has advanced colon cancer.
If you are diagnosed with cancer, it can be overwhelming. Visit this blog article to learn about the next steps.
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