Home / Heart Care / Heart attack symptoms, warning signs for men vs. women

Heart attack symptoms, warning signs for men vs. women

Most heart attacks are associated with crushing chest pain and dramatic symptoms, but some heart attacks may be subtle. One thing is clear: Heart attack warning signs for men and women often are different.

“In women, heart attacks can present with atypical symptoms” said Dr. Michael McGillMarshfield Clinic Health System cardiology specialist. “Women may have a sudden feeling of fatigue or shortness of breath with no feeling of chest pain.”

Most heart attacks in men, however, involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. The chest discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.

Heart attacks are more than just chest pain in women

Women who have atypical symptoms are less likely to seek medical attention and continue to do their daily activities and not realize they are at risk for serious complications. “Delays in heart attack management can result in more complications and residual effects to the heart,” said Dr. McGill. “If you feel something is wrong, seek attention immediately. You are better to have a false alarm than to have a heart attack.”

Heart attacks can occur at very different ages for women and men as well. Heart attacks typically present 10 years later on average for women than men, but that does not guarantee that a younger woman cannot have heart disease. After menopause a woman’s risk for heart attacks is increased equivalent to men.

Improve your heart health

Cardiovascular disease is a serious concern. Mortality from cardiovascular disease in women now exceeds that from breast cancer. It is important to take preventive measures to ward off heart attacks. “Fortunately, heart disease is preventable. Everyone can modify their risk factors by managing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, controlling blood pressure, eating right, exercising, and quitting smoking.” Dr. McGill said. “The key message is to listen to your body and understand that heart disease is preventable. See your doctor to assess your risk and modify your risk factors.”




heart attack warning signs for men and women beyond chest pain

For immediate care, visit Marshfield Clinic Health System.

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13 responses to “Heart attack symptoms, warning signs for men vs. women”

  1. Deanna Jakubiak

    I was 48 years old and I went to my doctor for a physical in January. . At the time, I had a pain in my back and it hurt to stand, sit or move. I told my doctor it felt like a fist going through to my chest. I was given a shot for the pain and xrays. I was told I had degenerative disk disease. In November, I had a terrible headache and then nausea, along with fever. My husband took me to the ER and I had a shot of whatever they give in the chest to get me breathing again. I had a heart attack right there. I got a stent and my back pain went away. Back pain can be a signal for a heart attack. I wish my doctor would have checked it better. I don't have that doctor anymore. No faith at all

  2. Deb

    Thank you for this info on gender symptoms. I do want to mention that triglycerides & HDL cholesterol might be a better risk factor to consider than total cholesterol. There is more updated science out there to support this. We need the cholesterol for so many bodily functions. Most of our cholesterol our bodies need is made by our own bodies for a reason.

  3. Teresa

    I lost a friend because we didn't know the signs of a heart attack for women. This information about symptoms of a heart attack for women needs to be put out there,
    I know this information would have saved my friends life.

  4. Rekha

    Thank you for sharing this. Much appreciated!

  5. Jeanne Murray

    I need a copy of heart attack signs please. Email one if you would be so kind. jeannecullenmurray@gmail.com

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Hi, Jeanne. I emailed you the download as an attachment, or you can download it here: https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Heart-Attack-Inforgraphic-download.pdf

      Thank you for reading Shine365. -Kirstie

  6. Gerald Werner

    The warning signs chart does not print well.

    1. Kirsten Shakal

      Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Gerald. We added a button for downloading and printing the chart. I hope this helps. -Kirstie

  7. Donna

    I got a horrible pain in my mid back…felt like I had a pill stuck that didn't go down. After the pain kept getting worse, my husband took me to St. Joes ER…I had a cardiac arrest minutes after I was wheeled through the door. My heart stopped 3 times. St. Joes ER in Chippewa saved my life. I was sedated, and sent to Sacred Heart for immediate heart valve replacemtn. I remember nothing…I woke up the next day with a new valve. Thanks to St Joes GREAT ER dept.

  8. Cheryl A Von Ruden

    Especially for females, questions relating to above symptoms should be asked in routine annual physicals or visits.

  9. Charles Toms

    It would be nice if this was made into a refrigerator magnet as well as one for stroke symptoms.

    1. Thanks for both suggestions Charles. Glad you enjoyed the information.

    2. janelle

      I agree, good idea!

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