Home / Kid's Health / Zzzzz… How much sleep do our kids need?

Zzzzz… How much sleep do our kids need?

Between homework, sports practices and the million other things that find their way into your schedule, it can be tough to keep your kids’ nighttime routine in check. But with hectic schedules, kids’ sleep habits play a key role in their overall health.

Getting enough sleep can have a big impact on your kids’ daily lives and school performance, according to our Sleep Medicine specialists. And, for parents, it can mean happier, more attentive kids.

This chart offers some handy tips to get them (and you), on track:

How many hours of sleep kids need? Shine365

Tips for better sleep, avoid:

  • Television and screen time one hour prior to bedtime
  • exercise close to bedtime
  • late-day foods/drinks with caffeine (cocoa, tea).
  • toys in the bed – which distract from sleep

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