Can you reduce your cancer recurrence risk?
Anxiety about cancer recurrence is normal, and it’s natural for patients to want to do…
Clove oil and cancer prevention claims: A word of caution
Various sites and organizations regularly release claims about foods or products that can prevent cancer.…
Winter squash: More than just a pretty picture
Piled on a platter or tumbled in a basket, winter squash have the look of…
Get moving: Physical activity can reduce cancer risk
Most people know staying active improves overall health. Specifically, exercise and physical activity have been…
Birth control: Does it affect my cancer risk?
Concern about risks of using birth control pills is common. One thing you don’t have…
Cancer signs you shouldn’t ignore
Paying attention to changes in your body can help detect cancer along with regular health…
Pesticides: Legitimate threat or sensational claims?
“Pesticides Tied to Childhood Cancers” said a headline in the Sept. 21, 2015, edition of…
‘Color’ your food world to fight cancer (recipe)
Adding bright, colorful fruits and vegetables can provide the phytochemicals needed to help reduce your…
Foods that fight cancer: Strawberries
Good news for strawberry lovers. Your favorite summer fruit is packed with cancer-fighting agents, according…