STI tests: What do you need to know and why?
You have annual physical exams and screenings and never receive a diagnosis for a sexually…
Restoring your sexual health: 3 reasons to seek help
Sexual health is the physical, mental, social and emotional well-being of a person’s sexuality. When…
Is sex painful? 4 reasons to talk to your doctor
Painful sex is a topic many women don’t talk about with their partners, let alone…
Teen talk: Oral sex has consequences
Parents: Teens are having oral sex and it’s time to talk about it. About half…
Odd combo: Vasectomy and basketball
If you’re a guy who loves basketball and you’re planning a vasectomy around this time…
Heart healthy enough for sex?
The TV ads for prescription medicines to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) tell viewers to “ask…
New “female Viagra” comes with side effect warnings
Is the new little pink pill the latest accessory to the little black dress? Not…
Viagra: Good for love, but good for the heart, too?
Viagra, the little blue pill that’s improved the sex lives of millions, has warmed hearts…
Ladies: Regain that lovin’ feelin’
Not interested in sexual intimacy, ladies? There may be more behind that bedroom boredom than a…