Home / Women's Health / Midwife & Mom: One patient’s pregnancy and delivery experience – Part 2

Midwife & Mom: One patient’s pregnancy and delivery experience – Part 2

On June 1, 2019, baby VanDreese was ready to enter the world. However, baby VanDreese took a bit longer than expected to have a long, interesting birth story.

Bryan VanDreese, husband and new dad, stood by Katie’s side through the labor and delivery. In addition, Katie had Marshfield Clinic Health System nurses and two of her colleagues and friends, Certified Nurse Midwives Janis Ray and Amy Roff, to help her through the process.

Watch the ending of Katie’s pregnancy and the beginning of Katie and Bryan’s life as a family of three.

Did you miss part 1 of the VanDreese’s pregnancy journey? Click here to watch it now.

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