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Patient story: A family shares the journey of stroke and recovery

Those who know Brant Bergeron would say he lives his life to the very fullest and then some.

He’s about family, having just become a grandfather, friendships and his community of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, which has benefitted from his leadership and interest in making it a good place to live.

And there’s this thing about walking. A co-founder of Walk Wisconsin, he’s so crazy about walking he’s got a tattoo etched on the well-defined muscles of one of his calves, documenting the number of marathons he’s walked so far.

In November 2012, though, life changed as he suffered a stroke.

Watch this video to learn more about Bergeron’s story and how he continues to live to the fullest.

Trouble viewing this video? Watch it on YouTube.


4 responses to “Patient story: A family shares the journey of stroke and recovery”

  1. Jane Bauer

    Thank u very good educational the man was active all his life walked 6 miles. Still had a stroke makes one think about yourself.

    1. Sue Trzinski

      My husband had a massive ischemic stroke in 2015. He has a very bad case of aphasia so he doesn’t talk. He walks with the aide of a cane and a gait belt. He is also paralyzed on the right side.
      Brad you are very lucky.
      I wish my husband had your luck.
      If you know of a stroke support group please let me know. I have been look since his stroke with no luck.

      1. Jacob Zipperer

        Hello Sue,

        Thanks for reaching out. We have reached out to a member of our Marshfield Clinic team who should be able to let you know if a stroke support group is available. We will let you know as soon as we hear back.


      2. Jacob Zipperer

        Hello Sue,

        A member of our Marshfield Clinic team got back to us regarding stroke support groups and here is what she had to say:

        If you live in the Marshfield, WI area, there is a very active stroke support group:
        Marshfield Area Stroke Support Group – Surviving Stroke Together
        • Offers resources and support to stroke survivors and their family members, including educational, recreational, and social opportunities.
        • For up-to-date meeting dates and location, or to be added to the mailing list or email, call 715-389-3969.

        If you live somewhere else in Wisconsin:
        Let us know — our expert knows of other support groups throughout the state

        Another resource:
        The National Aphasia Association is another good resource. Visit: http://www.aphasia.org or call: 1-800-922-4622 for more.

        Hope that helps and please let me know if you need anything else!

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