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Balance-building exercises for fall prevention

graphic of man standing on one leg to maintain balance

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of articles dedicated to celebrating the month of May as National Physical Fitness and Sports Month.  Next week: Kids’ exercise: The key to building better bones

One in three adults age 65 and older experiences a fall each year.

Besides causing serious injury, a fall could limit your activity and keep you from living independently.

Don’t let age trip you up.

Regular physical activity and fall prevention exercises will build your leg strength and improve your balance, so the only trips you take involve an airplane and the beach.

Check out these easy balance and strength exercises that will help you stay on your feet.

VIDEO: Balance for fall prevention


3 responses to “Balance-building exercises for fall prevention”

  1. Weslynn McCallister

    I am 82 years old and a prior dance contestant and winner. My legs at my age are weak and I cannot walk without at least a cane. What are some exercises I can do to strengthen my legs? I would love to dance again. (I had a stroke and suspect that is what happened to my leg.)

    1. Jacob Zipperer

      Hello Weslynn,

      Here is an additional blog post that you may find helpful: https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/bone-joint/strengthen-aging-legs/

      If you are looking for further information, we recommend discussing this with your provider. Due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions, they can best advise you.

      Thank you and hope you have a great rest of your day,

  2. Jackie Brockwell

    I am a 74 year old female, with weakness in both legs due to back problems. I cannot walk unsupported, and have rollators to stop me falling over! I do fall over quite frequently! I am trying to put together an exercise plan, that really works!

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