Home / Bone & Joint / Morning stretches: Part 2

Morning stretches: Part 2

Stiff and sore in the morning?

Morning stretches wake up your body gently and help prepare it for the weight-bearing load of getting out of bed.

For an introductory set of morning stretch exercises, check out part one of this series: Stiff and sore? 6 morning stretches to help

In Part 2, you’ll find five more stretches to get your day started.

During sleep, our muscles have all night to rest and relax. Because we don’t always sleep in the best position, it can be beneficial to wake up the body with stretches.

If moving to the floor is difficult, try stretching on your bed.

“A bed is a common place for morning stretches,” said Ashley Detterbeck, physical therapist.

Print morning stretches guide


Stretching can:

  • Relieve stiff muscles
  • Increase flexibility
  • Reduce the risk of injuries

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