Home / Cancer Care / 3D mammograms and MBI: Improving breast cancer detection

3D mammograms and MBI: Improving breast cancer detection

Mammography is the primary screening test for breast cancer in women with no known breast problems. Conventional mammograms are performed by taking 2D pictures of the breast. 3D mammograms and molecular breast imaging (MBI) are advanced imaging techniques that improve the detection and treatment of breast cancer.

Woman sitting outside smiling considering 3D mammograms or MBI
3D mammograms are able to detect breast cancer when it’s smaller, in an earlier stage and easier to treat compared to traditional 2D imaging.

“Basic screening mammograms decrease mortality, but they aren’t perfect,” said Dr. Kristie Guite, a Marshfield Clinic radiologist who specializes in mammography.

Breast imaging technology available at Marshfield Clinic Health System makes it possible to find cancer more easily so women have a better chance of recovery.

3D mammograms recommended for all women

3D mammograms are performed at the same time as traditional 2D mammograms. It takes only a few extra seconds to capture the additional image.

“Looking at smaller sections of breast tissue allows us to more easily detect breast cancer in all women, but even more so in women younger than 50 and women with dense breast tissue,” Guite said. “3D mammograms allow us to detect breast cancer when it’s smaller, in an earlier stage and easier to treat.”

Fewer false positives

About 10 percent of women get called back for more imaging after basic screening mammograms. Although 99 percent of patients who return for imaging don’t have cancer or a breast abnormality, the experience is stressful.

“3D imaging reduces the number of patients who have to come back for additional imaging by 40 percent,” Guite said. “It saves them from having to go through the anxiety of more testing.”

Molecular breast imaging (MBI) finds more cancers

MBI involves injecting a small amount of radioactive material into the bloodstream. Cancer cells in the breast take up more of the radioactive material than normal breast tissue, which allows doctors to locate small tumors.

“It finds two to three times as many cancers than regular or 3D mammography,” Guite said. “The likelihood of missing a breast cancer is almost none.”

MBI isn’t a replacement for mammography, and not all patients need it, she said. Women who have dense breast tissue, family history of breast cancer or personal history of non-cancerous breast tissue biopsies are ideal candidates for MBI.

Doctors use molecular imaging to check effectiveness of chemotherapy, develop surgical plans and scan patients who are unable to have a breast MRI.

Ask about insurance coverage

Medicare provides coverage for 3D mammograms. If you have other insurance or have MBI scheduled, ask your insurance carrier about coverage prior to your appointment.

A Marshfield Clinic Patient Financial Services representative can provide a fee estimate for MBI.

All Marketplace health plans must cover basic screening mammograms.

For questions about mammograms, talk to a Marshfield Clinic Health System provider.

Schedule appointment Message your provider

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7 responses to “3D mammograms and MBI: Improving breast cancer detection”

  1. Sioux regez

    I have gotten mammograms annually for many years accompanied with ultrasounds and repeat X-rays, but never had to have a biopsy, I have no idea if I have ever had a 3D image taken. Are they more expensive? Do they expose your body to more radiation? I am 75 years of age.

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Hi, Sioux. Marshfield Clinic announced 3D advancement in September 2016. Centers currently offering this service are Eau Claire, Chippewa, Rice Lake, Minocqua, Wausau and Marshfield.

      3D mammograms have slightly higher radiation doses than 2D mammograms, but are still well below the FDA guidelines for radiation exposure in a medical setting. If you have questions about 3D mammography or the mammograms you've received in the past, call your primary care provider or contact them via MyMarshfieldClinic: http://www.marshfieldclinic.org/MyMarshfieldClinic.

      The cost and coverage of the service is something to discuss with your insurance company as not all plans cover 3D mammography. Marshfield Clinic Fee Estimators can also provide cost information: 1-800-782-8581, ext. 94475.

      I hope this helps. Thanks for reading. -Kirstie

  2. Mary

    After my last mammogram, it was recommended that I have MBI test due to dense breasts. My provider gave me a CPT code to give my insurance company, who informed me that it would be considered diagnostic so I would be responsible for the cost. I cannot afford the $2000 plus cost of the test, which the radiologist recommended I get yearly. It sounds like a very useful, perhaps life-saving test.

  3. Linda Rohde

    My mammogram is next Tuesday. It doesn't say whether I am getting a 3D mammogram or not. I am on the Security Health Medicare Advantage plan, so coverage would not be a problem. How can I request the 3D mammograms.

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Good morning, Linda. I shared your question with mammography team leader Lee Anne, and she said everyone coming in for a mammogram will be given the opportunity to have a 3D mammogram. The technologist will ask you at the time of your exam if you would like the 3D portion of the mammogram; there is no need to contact your provider ahead of time. -Kirstie

  4. Sandra Buehler

    I had a mammogram last week at the Wisconsin Rapids Marshfield clinic. No one mentioned the possibility of a 3D mammogram. The mammogram takes place in a trailer. Will the Rapids clinic have 3D mammograms?
    Will the clinic have a more permanent area for mammograms? The trailer is depressing.

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Hi, Sandra. As stated in the story, “MBI isn’t a replacement for mammography, and not all patients need it. Women who have dense breast tissue, family history of breast cancer or personal history of non-cancerous breast tissue biopsies are ideal candidates for MBI.” The mobile health units have allowed us to bring this technology to the large geographic area we serve.

      Currently, the Marshfield Clinic mammography centers offering 3D breast imaging are:
      Eau Claire
      Rice Lake
      And the mobile units will offer 3D mammography in the future. We just announced the 3D advancement a week ago; it is something to discuss with your doctor and insurance as not all plans cover 3D mammography.

      Thank you for reading. -Kirstie

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