Growing pains are a common experience for children. Your child may experience deep cramping or aching pain that can vary from mild to severe.
“Growing pains are a common problem occurring in about 10-20 percent of children,” said Dr. Joanna Gudel, a Marshfield Clinic pediatrician. “Growing pains may come and go for several years but almost always resolve before teenage years. They can be diagnosed by the pattern of pain and a regular exam. Labs and X-rays are rarely helpful.”
Growing pains are common and normal in children typically between ages 3-5 and again around ages 8-10. They might feel like tightness, cramp or an ache in thigh or calf muscles lasting 10-30 minutes or as long as a few hours. Pain may occur in both legs and often happen after active days.
How to help growing pains
Despite the name, a child growing or growth spurts aren’t causing these pains. One thought is physical activity can make muscles tired and more likely to cramp or ache. Dehydration also is a possible cause of pain. “The exact cause is unknown. Pain isn’t typically worse during growth spurts,” Dr. Gudel said.
If your child has these pains, you can help by trying:
- Gently massage your child’s leg where the muscle hurts.
- Place a warm heating pad under the painful area until your child’s leg feels better.
- Give ibuprofen or acetaminophen. It can help relax the painful muscle so your child can fall asleep.
- Make sure your child always has water available to drink during the day.
Some persistent symptoms need further attention
While growing pains aren’t harmful, you should watch for other symptoms of other causes. “It’s ‘s important to note that growing pains do not cause limping, persistent daytime pain, or pain localized to a single limb or join,” Dr. Gudel said. “If these symptoms are present, or if there are signs of inflammation or systemic illness, further investigation may be warranted to rule out other conditions.”
Call your child’s health care provider right away if your child has any of the following:
- Knee, ankle or elbow pain or swelling of a joint.
- Discomfort that lasts into the morning such as pain, limping or stiffness.
- Pain at night in parts of the body other than the legs.
- Pain in exactly the same spot every time.
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