Home / Kid's Health / Parents, don’t forget this: On-the-go med bag

Parents, don’t forget this: On-the-go med bag

Anyone with a new baby or young children will attest — you can’t be prepared for everything.

But, you can have your bases covered for most common injuries and ailments. The key? Make sure you always have an easy-to-access on-the-go medicine bag packed.

Below are essentials Dr. Namrata Mehta, a family medicine physician, keeps handy at all hours to guarantee she has what she needs to treat boo-boos and bugs that seem to find our kids at the most inopportune times.

On-the-go med bag:

Infographic of what to have in a med pack that's ready to go when you are.

One response to “Parents, don’t forget this: On-the-go med bag”

  1. Romana Barna

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