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Safety tips for kids trick-or-treating with no adult

Trick-or-treating when your kids were younger meant pictures of cute costumes and holding their hands as they went door to door.

Now that they’re older, they may ask to trick-or-treat unsupervised. That spells anxiety for parents and risks for kids.

Here are a few things to consider before you say yes or no, and some safety tips if you let your kids head out alone on Halloween.

Should I let my kids trick-or treat without an adult?

Marshfield Clinic Health System pediatrician Dr. Jeff Clark recommends using the ability to stay at home unsupervised as a metric for readiness for solo trick-or-treating.

“There isn’t a certain age when kids are ready to trick-or-treat unsupervised,” Clark said.

When trick-or-treating, kids should be able to follow rules and directions and know how to handle a stressful or emergency situation.

“Trick-or-treating is risky because kids are going to houses they otherwise wouldn’t,” Clark said. “You don’t know who is behind a mask.”

Set rules for unsupervised trick-or-treating

Click on the targets in the image below for tips to help kids stay safe when trick-or-treating without an adult.

Make sure your kids know the rules before they head out the door on Halloween.

Trick-or-Treat Tips for Kids and Tweens

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