Why behavioral health integration in primary care is important
There is no tool like a blood pressure cuff or scale that can measure precisely…
Tips for managing tantrums in toddlers
You’ve heard the term ‘terrible twos.’ It refers to the age when children start seeking…
Back-to-school stress: How to help your child cope
It’s normal to have back-to-school stress. Kids tend to feel nervous about a new schedule,…
How to know if you have depression
Sadness, negative feelings, body aches and sleep problems can start after an event like the…
Is laughter the best medicine?
Laughter draws people together in more ways than one. In addition to bringing joy and…
Eating disorders: When diets turn dangerous
Being conscious of weight and appearance isn’t unusual. We often hear adults and teens say…
Depression: Different signs in teens, adults
Depression in teens may often be overlooked as moodiness. Adolescents are working through physical, psychological…
Kristina Howey’s story: Overcoming domestic violence and PTSD
One night, Kristina Howey walked into the bathroom at work. There she picked up a…
Teens and smoking: What you should know
In most states, it is illegal for children to purchase cigarettes before the age of…