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COVID-19 and influenza: Every shot counts

Editor’s note: This article was updated on Sept. 27, 2021. COVID-19 information and recommendations are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website or view our most recent COVID-19 blog posts.

With COVID-19 and influenza, standard health safety precautions are necessary to prevent the spread. These include hand hygiene, social distancing, masking or covering your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, and staying home when you feel sick.

woman with band-aid after getting a vaccine shot
Everyone six months and older is recommended to get the flu vaccine.

“Influenza vaccination, in addition to a COVID-19 vaccine, is especially important this season because we can prevent many hospitalizations from influenza and COVID-19 cases,” said Dr. Edward Belongia, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Marshfield Clinic Research Institute.

The flu vaccine will reduce your risk of developing influenza by about 50%, and Belongia said this year, the vaccine will have three new strains.

The COVID-19 vaccines are available to everyone 12 years and older. Each brand is effective at preventing COVID-19, including highly effective for preventing serious illness caused by variants. Emergency authorization for use has been granted to three vaccines – Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson). Comirnaty, from Pfizer-BioNTech, has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for individuals 16 years and older.

Get your flu shot with your COVID-19 vaccine

The Health System offers a flu vaccine throughout the season, starting no later than October and as long as the virus is circulating (often into spring). Visit marshfieldclinic.org/flu for information and appointment options.

It’s important to get your flu vaccine as soon as possible because it can take up to two weeks for the antibodies that protect against influenza to develop in the body. If you have not yet received your COVID-19 vaccine, you can plan to schedule it on the same day as your flu shot.

Vaccine appointments are preferred, but Health System locations also offer vaccination clinics periodically throughout the season to make it convenient for patients and community members to get their flu and COVID-19 vaccines. Visit marshfieldclinic.org/vaccinecalendar for information on flu or COVID-19 vaccine clinics near you.

Severity of COVID-19 and influenza

COVID-19 and influenza are very different, but both can cause severe illness or death. Older adults and people with underlying chronic diseases have the highest risk of COVID-19 hospitalization, but life-threatening illness also occurs in young, healthy individuals. COVID-19 infections are generally milder in children than adults, but COVID-19 hospitalization rates in children increased dramatically in recent months. Influenza hospitalization rates are highest in older adults and infants.

“Some people think children don’t get infected with COVID-19 or spread the virus,” Belongia said. “This is not true. Children can become infected and spread the virus to family members and classmates. Most children with COVID-19 have mild or moderate illness, but pediatric hospitalizations have increased due to the delta variant.”

Similar to how influenza virus strains change seasonally, the COVID-19 virus continues to naturally mutate into different strains of COVID-19. The delta variant is more contagious and causes more severe illness compared to earlier strains of the virus. The COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective against severe illness caused by the delta variant. Fully vaccinated people with breakthrough infections from this variant appear to be infectious for a shorter period, reducing the risk of spreading the virus to other people.

Most people infected with COVID-19 or influenza will recover at home. However, some people will require a ventilator because the virus had caused severe damage to the lungs. Many people who are put on a ventilator will eventually die. These deaths can be prevented by vaccination. Nearly all cases of severe COVID-19 have occurred in unvaccinated people, and risk of COVID-19 hospitalization is 17 times higher in unvaccinated individuals than those fully vaccinated.

“Both infections can cause serious illness or death, but the risk of death is much higher for COVID-19 than influenza, especially in older adults,” Belongia said. “Influenza is mainly respiratory but serious COVID-19 infections often cause damage to multiple organs, including brain, heart and kidneys.”
Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have an increased risk for heart attack, stroke, blood clots and kidney failure. Children can develop a rare but serious complication called ‘multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children’ (MIS-C).

Treatment for COVID-19 and influenza

If you do test positive for COVID-19 or influenza, follow recommendations from your provider or public health. For most mild illnesses, you should stay home, drink lots of fluids and rest until your body recovers.

If you have been diagnosed with influenza, you may be prescribed influenza antiviral drugs, especially if you are considered high risk.

If you have COVID-19, we offer monoclonal antibody therapy for patients with mild to moderate symptoms. This can protect people from severe illness or death in the coming days and weeks. Talk to your provider or care team about what treatment is best for you.

CDC recommendations for isolation and quarantine after COVID-19 infection depends on vaccination status.

It may be helpful to track your symptoms for 14 days to let your provider know if you see any changes or have emergency warning signs. Over-the-counter medications may help with some of the symptoms like fever or cough. Talk to your provider about your options.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Related articles:

COVID-19 and influenza: You can help prevent the spread of both

18 responses to “COVID-19 and influenza: Every shot counts”

  1. Charlotte Eileen Kraft

    When will Marshfield Clinic Center in Eau Claire be offering flu shots, and when will the Pfizer Covid-19 booster shots be available for those over 65. My husband and I received our last Covid shot on March 18.

    1. Jacob Zipperer

      Hello Charlotte,

      Thank you for reaching out.

      Flu shots are now being offered at our Eau Claire location. Click here to learn about the different ways you can schedule a flu shot with Marshfield Clinic Health System: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/specialties/primary-care/flu/flu-clinic-schedule

      A third dose of the Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech) COVID-19 vaccine is now recommended six months after the primary series of Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech) for people 65 years and older. Learn more, including how you can sign up by clicking here: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/specialties/infectious-diseases/covid-19-vaccine

      Thanks and I hope that helps,

  2. Peggy

    I had a flu shot at my annual exam last week. No one told me there were different types of flu shots or discussed which would be best for me. Since I am 62 and have diabetes I would have thought the high dose shot would have been considered. Does the patient have to bring it up?

    1. Jacob Zipperer

      Hi Peggy – thank you for reaching out,

      Here is what our team had to say:
      The high dose flu vaccine is only FDA approved for persons 65 years and older. For patients who are 65 years and older, our care teams will discuss the flu vaccine options available.

      Thank you and I hope that helps,

    2. Thomas Geiger

      We called the Marshfield Merrill Clinic and the high dose flu shot is not available. To my knowledge and I get my flu shot every year through the Marshfield Clinic system, it has never been available for the past seven years since I have turned 65. I would guess over 40% of your patient load is people over 65 so I think some one in your management system needs to get with the program and have these vaccines available. By the way I have been with the Marshfield system for 20 years I have switched to a United Health Care Mediare Advantage (PPO) so my health care options are highly portable!

  3. Ginna Glass

    I only heard this past week that people with COPD need a stronger influenza vaccine and that they are available. I've never heard anyone tell me I was getting a different type of vaccine from people not needing it. In fact I have NO idea what I'm getting, everyone just calls it a FLU shot at pharmacies, clinics, etc…. What should I be getting?? And is the influenza vaccine the only one available right now? No COVID-19 vaccine yet?

    1. Jacob Zipperer

      Hi Ginna – thank you for reaching out,

      We reached out to the appropriate team and here is what they had to say:

      There are several types of flu vaccines available. Talk to your provider about options for you based on your age and risk conditions.
      No COVID-19 vaccine is available at this time.

      Thank you and I hope that helps,

      1. Ginna Glass

        Perfect, thanks Jake

  4. John

    Seems ironic to get this newsletter, when we are repeatedly told that the clinic has no serum to provide shots.

    1. Jacob Zipperer

      Hello John,

      We reached out to the appropriate team and here was their response:
      Due to high demands our vaccine supply changes from week-to-week and varies by center. Please call your primary care office to make an appointment.


    2. Julie Clark

      I was told the same thing yesterday (10/8) and to call back Monday.

  5. Paula S Stetler-Dzialowy

    Are there flu vaccines not using eggs? I have had a bad reaction to previous flu shots and currently experience an intolerance for eggs.

    1. Jacob Zipperer

      Hello Paula,

      Thank you for reaching out. Yes, we do have egg-free flu vaccines available.



    I had a high dose flu shot a month ago. Is a second dose of any flu shot ever recommended (for high or standard dose) several months after the first?

    1. Jacob Zipperer

      Hello Jerilyn,

      No second dose of flu vaccine is recommended in the same season for patients who receive a high dose flu vaccine.

      Thank you for reaching out,


        Thank you! We have a relative who worked at a clinic who now considers herself to be our resident "expert". I thought it made no sense, as no clinic has ever told me that before.

  7. Craig Antonson

    How long does it take for the results of a covid-19 test done at the Lakewoods center.

    1. Jacob Zipperer

      Hello Craig – thank you for reaching out,

      Once a patient’s test is collected, it is fair to assume that their results would be available in 48 hours after receiving it in the lab.


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