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How electroconvulsive therapy saved a mother and her child

If you rely on popular culture, you may have an inaccurate view of what electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is. You may think it is a procedure of the past. But in reality, it is a safe and highly-effective procedure for patients in certain situations.

One such patient is Shanda Fitzgerald, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 15. Later in life, during Shanda’s second pregnancy, her depression became so intense that it was endangering her life and the life of her unborn child. With the help of ECT, Shanda was able to have a healthy pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby.

Watch Shanda’s story, and see the difference ECT made in her life.

3 responses to “How electroconvulsive therapy saved a mother and her child”

  1. Angela B

    When medications (any) fail to work in an adult non-pregnant female or for an adult male, would this be something to ask a behavioral specialist about? Can it help Schizoaffective Disorder as well as Manic-Depressive Bipolar individuals? If so, what kind of specialist is needed & whom does the referral need to come from? Where can more information be found?
    I'm glad Shanda Fitzgerald got the needed help & has two healthy children, I'm more grateful she was brave enough to step forward & share her story with us; please thank her for those she's helped find hope!

    1. Jacob Zipperer

      Hi Angela,

      We appreciate you reaching out to us and we're glad Shanda's story inspired you! In regards to your questions, we are reaching out to a Marshfield Clinic provider to help answer them. We'll let you know as soon as we hear back.

      Thanks for reading Shine365!

      1. Jacob Zipperer


        We heard back from our provider and she said that unfortunately, she cannot provide individual medical advice on this forum. What would be best is to talk with a primary care provider about these questions. If needed, that primary care provider can provide a referral to a behavioral health specialist.


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