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The Rounds: How telemedicine is changing health care

Rounds podcast graphic / PODCACST Telehealth

Technology is changing how health care is delivered. Tools like remote patient monitoring relay vital health information from a patient at home to their care team at a medical complex. Patients can download smart phone apps that allow them to connect virtually with their providers and skip the drive to the doctor’s office.

Listen as Chris Meyer, Marshfield Clinic Health System’s director of virtual health, discusses how this field, called telehealth or telemedicine, is helping patients now, what the future may hold and challenges to implementing this technology on a large scale.

The Rounds: How telemedicine is changing health care (text transcription)

6 responses to “The Rounds: How telemedicine is changing health care”

  1. Chironhealth

    thanks for the information

    1. Jacob Zipperer

      Glad you found it helpful and thank you for reading Shine365!


  2. James R. Fenno

    Chris, In your audio presentation on virtual health I believe you are mixing up two words. Several times you said, "exasperation" (getting provoked) when I believe you meant, "exacerbation" (getting worse). An interesting discussion.

  3. Audrey Ahner

    Looking for an ENT who deals with menieres disease. Do you have one on staff?

    1. Audrey Ahner

      Also would need an audiologist for hearing aids due to the menieres disease. thank you for the help.

      1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

        Hi, Audrey. Here is a list of our audiologists: https://marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/Search?k=Audiology

        At any time you're in need of a provider, you can use our doctors search here: https://marshfieldclinic.org/Doctors/. Many of our providers also have reviews and ratings to help you understand who might be the best fit for you.


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