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Ovarian cancer: 4 things you should know

Woman laughing and enjoying coffee - Ovarian cancer, myths and facts
This rare, yet aggressive cancer has many misconceptions about it – starting with the name ovarian cancer.

The American Cancer Society estimates more than 22,000 women will receive a new diagnosis of ovarian cancer every year – ranking fifth in cancer deaths among women.

This rare, yet aggressive cancer has many misconceptions about it – starting with its name.

It is not always cancer of the ovaries

“Most of the cancers we describe as ovarian cancer arrive from the fallopian tubes,” said Kendra Konitzer, obstetrics & gynecology physician assistant at Marshfield Clinic Health System. “You can have ovarian cancer and have normal ovaries.”

There is a lining, almost like saran wrap, that covers all the organs in the pelvis. This lining is the typical cause of this cancer, which can form in the:

  • Fallopian tubes
  • Omentum
  • Pelvic peritoneum
  • Ovaries

Genetics plays a larger role than talcum powder

Despite the many warnings, talcum powder does not have a correlation with ovarian cancer.

“It has been disproven on several occasions,” said Konitzer. “Talcum powder is not carcinogenic, so it cannot cause cancer.”

Much like for breast cancer, being positive for the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic abnormalities can also lead to an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer.

  • BRCA1 positive: 44 percent chance of developing ovarian cancer
  • BRCA2 positive: 20-22 percent chance of developing ovarian cancer

Women of Ashkenazi Jewish decent have a higher rate of these genetic abnormalities, so especially have an increased risk. Talk to your primary care provider before considering genetic testing.

Unexplained weight gain can be a sign

Most ovarian cancer is found at stage three, which means it has spread to the abdomen in some way.

You should tell your primary care doctor if you have vague pain in your pelvic region or have unexplained weight gain in your abdomen. If you have ovarian cancer, 2-3 gallons of fluid can build up in your abdomen.

From the first time you have symptoms, it usually takes 4-6 weeks to get a diagnosis. This cancer also can be found during a pelvic exam with an ultrasound or CT.

Chemotherapy and surgery are the typical treatment

A mix of chemotherapy and surgery is the typical course of treatment.

During surgery, the tumors would be removed. In many instances this can include removing non-essential organs or lymph nodes such as the ovaries or cervix.

Depending on your treatment plan, you may receive intravenous chemotherapy before and/or after your surgery.

For more information about ovarian cancer, talk with your primary care provider.

4 responses to “Ovarian cancer: 4 things you should know”

  1. Susan Dowty Schroeder

    My mom died of ovarian or some form of cancer that traveled to her liver, etc before she died 10 yrs ago. I’m 71, should I talk to my de about an internal vaginal ultra sound. I did have one the following year of her death

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Hi, Susan. Thank you for reaching out. We can't say which screenings are right for you. However, you're right, it is important that your doctor know about your family history so he/she can determine the next best steps in prevention. This is a good question for your doctor.


  2. Connie Ven Rooy

    We first cousin has Stage 4 fallopian tube cancer and her sister had a hysterectomy showing Stage4 1 endometrial cancer – is there something I should be doing and/or tested for because of this family history? Our mothers were sisters and each had breast cancer, my mom at 47 and my aunt in her early 50…I would rather be proactive if there is something I should be doing to prevent getting either one if these cancers.

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Hi, Connie. Have you shared this information with your primary care provider? He/she can determine the best preventive track for you. The American Cancer Society shares these recommendations for women of average risk vs. high risk: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/screening-tests-and-early-detection/american-cancer-society-recommendations-for-the-early-detection-of-breast-cancer.html

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