Kids do gross things like eat boogers and pee in pools: Is it bad?
Eating boogers. Digging in their pants. Peeing in the pool. Kids do gross things. It’s…
Manage asthma in cold weather this winter
In some children with asthma, cold weather conditions or changes in temperature can cause flare-ups…
Hand-washing: The first line of defense
Interested in a low-cost, do-it-yourself, way to defend against germs? Try washing your hands with…
Hands off your face
Resisting the urge to touch your face, or teaching your kids to keep their hands…
10 tips to prevent colds and flu in your home
When colder weather arrives, “ahchoo!” signals the beginning of the sick season. According to Centers…
What to know about acute flaccid myelitis
Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), a rare polio-like disease in children, gained attention in 2014 after…
Surviving public restrooms: What you and your kids should know
Public restrooms can be some of the most repulsive places known to mankind. But despite…