Tips for how to check your blood pressure at home
Checking your blood pressure at home is a critical part of managing high blood pressure or hypertension. Blood…
Chronic kidney disease: The warning sign before failure
The kidney is the chemist of the body. It keeps electrolytes (vitamins and minerals) and…
Weight loss surgery options and benefits
Many have been on that endless treadmill of the latest diet fads, quickly losing 20 pounds…
Pediatric nephrology provides kidney care for children
Pediatric nephrology is a specialty that provides kidney care for children. Nephrologists focus on the…
Healthy salt substitutes: Shake it up for blood pressure
We Americans love our salt, but consuming a high sodium diet can lead to high…
Early signs of heart disease in males
Hit pause, guys, before you bite into that bacon cheeseburger or drive past the gym…
Sock marks may signal high blood pressure
If you’re noticing tighter shoes or sock marks, there may be a reason. Standing or…
BE FAST: Stroke warning signs
Time is everything when someone you love is having a stroke, which is why it…
High blood pressure: Like an over-inflated tire
You’ve probably heard about your blood pressure, especially if it’s approaching or already over 140/90.…