Home / Wellness / Am I farting too much? And answers to other gassy questions

Am I farting too much? And answers to other gassy questions

Green gassy clouds - How much farting is too much?

You’re in a staff meeting at work when suddenly it hits you.

We’re not talking about the brilliant idea that’s going to get you the raise you’ve been wanting.

We’re talking about gas. You need to fart.

Do you hold it in? Run to the bathroom? Hope you can fart silently?

Chances are you’re not the only one in the room feeling gassy.

Don’t believe us? Read on to learn more about this natural bodily function.

What causes gas?

“Passing gas is normal,” said Laura Burns, a Marshfield Clinic gastroenterology physician assistant. “If you didn’t pass gas, that would be abnormal.”

Gas and its signature scent are the normal byproduct of bacteria in your gut breaking down food. Some foods that are harder to break down and absorb cause more gas.

Beans, broccoli, cabbage, corn, dairy, fruit and artificial sweeteners are common culprits.

Another common cause of gas is swallowing air. It can happen when you chew gum, eat too quickly or slowly sip on liquids all day.

How much farting is normal?

Most people pass gas 10 to 20 times a day.

If you’re farting a lot (and you don’t have to count), it’s probably because of something you ate or a change in the bacteria in your gut.

Should I worry about having gas?

Farting, even farting more than normal, usually isn’t a problem unless you have other symptoms.

Loose stools, constipation, weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting and frequent belly pain could be signs of lactose or fructose intolerance, celiac disease or small bowel bacterial overgrowth.

Talk to your doctor if you have these symptoms.

What can I do to stop farting so much?

Keep a food diary for a few weeks, Burns said. If you notice you have more gas when you eat certain foods, don’t eat them.

Avoid gum, and don’t eat quickly.

Yogurt with live cultures, probiotics and over-the-counter anti-gas medications also may help.

Why does having gas hurt sometimes?

Being gassy can cause brief gas pains in your belly, but it’s nothing to worry about.

“Pain happens when gas gets trapped in your intestines, where there are lots of turns and curves,” Burns said. “When gas doesn’t move through as easily as it would like to, it causes pain.”

Getting up and moving around will get gas moving and ease the pain.

10 responses to “Am I farting too much? And answers to other gassy questions”

  1. Cindy C

    I never had much gas till I went thru medapose! It's so bad now and never have a day gas free! It'll cause my tummy be upset always and I go around gagging a lot! What can I do!

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Hi, Cindy. As suggested in the "What can I do to stop farting so much?" section, it may be helpful for you to keep a food diary for a few weeks. If you notice you have more gas when you eat certain foods, don’t eat them. Other tips from this section:
      – Avoid gum, and don’t eat quickly.
      – Yogurt with live cultures, probiotics and over-the-counter anti-gas medications also may help.

      If you are still concerned, it never hurts to share concerns with your doctor: https://marshfieldclinic.org/doctors

      I hope this helps. -Kirstie

  2. linda

    Why do you not have a gastroenterologist at the Marshfield Clinic in Rice Lake, Wisconsin?

  3. Deetje Wildes

    A year or so ago, I began having problems with loose bowel movements. My hospice nurse helped me discover the cause. I have become intolerant of food containing canola oil. Yikes! At first I thought it was in everything. Lots of dry cereals, baked goods, canned soup, frozen meals. I have learned to read labels. I also drink a small amount of kefir each day. The health food section at Festival Foods is my "life saver". I hope this helps somebody. 🙂

  4. Amy

    After I was in a horrible car accident 25 years ago, the Dr. came in and asked if "Did had started to fart again"…that told me right then and there it was a good thing to get the gas out of my body and that everything was working correctly again!

  5. nancy

    Does it hurt your body in any way to hold your farts. Was taught ladies don't do that.

    1. Jake Miller

      Hi, Nancy,

      We caught up with Laura Burns, the GI physician assistant in the story. Here is her response: "It will not cause any serious complications but will make you feel uncomfortable and bloated and can sometimes lead to some pretty severe abdominal discomfort. It is best to let the gas out when you can!"

  6. Delores Spatz

    great article–very informative-thanks

  7. Tony Suda

    Great article. Answers some age old questions.

    1. Jake Miller

      Thanks, Tony. That was the goal!

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