Home / Heart Care / Surprising signs of an unhealthy heart

Surprising signs of an unhealthy heart

You may recognize some of the common warning signs of heart trouble, like chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheadedness or persistent fatigue. But there are also lesser-known signs of a heart disease you should know about.

“Many potential signs of heart trouble could also indicate health issues that are not heart related,” said Dr. Sudhakar Girotra, a Marshfield Clinic Health System cardiologist. “While you want to pay attention to symptoms occurring in your body, they may be an indication of heart trouble, and they may not be. The safest bet is to consult your primary care provider if you are experiencing symptoms you haven’t had before.”

Take a look at the graphic below to learn about symptoms you may not know about that could indicate heart trouble.

Infographic for signs for an unhealthy heart.









For heart concerns, talk to a Marshfield Clinic Health System provider.

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