Cold feet and hands: Potential signs of poor circulation
If you have cold hands and feet when the rest of you is warm, it…
Medical treatment for varicose veins has come a long way
Varicose veins in your legs may be doing more than making you self-conscious in shorts,…
On warfarin? Anticoagulant clinics can help
Patients on warfarin need periodic blood tests to make sure the medication is working properly.…
Is my chest discomfort from my heart?
When your heart muscles don’t receive enough oxygen-rich blood, chest pain – or angina –…
Stop the bleeding using the ABCs
In an emergency situation, getting someone to stop bleeding is an important step when providing…
High blood pressure: Like an over-inflated tire
You’ve probably heard about your blood pressure, especially if it’s approaching or already over 140/90.…
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT): A different, deadly clot
Are you aware of this type of blood clot, responsible for up to 100,000 U.S.…
Apheresis: An important procedure for patients with blood-based diseases
Apheresis is a Greek word meaning “to take away”. It is performed using a machine…
Consider donating blood, when you are able
Editor’s note: This article was published on April 24, 2020. COVID-19 information and recommendations are…