Breastfeeding versus pumping for breastmilk
American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies consume only breast milk for about the first…
Can I have that if I’m breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding mothers often are told to skip spicy foods and bypass broccoli to avoid a…
5 tips to transition your baby to solid food
As a new parent, you might have some anxiety about transitioning your baby from breast…
Saving young lives by donating breast milk
When premature babies are fed breast milk exclusively rather than formula, the baby is more…
Breastfeeding while sick with cold, flu or COVID-19
Editor’s note: This post has been updated to incorporate breastfeeding information as it pertains to…
Breastfed newborns need vitamin D supplements
If you breastfeed, you may think your child is receiving all the nutrition needed. Surprisingly…