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Are natural, organic and non-GMO foods better?

Mom and daughter grocery shopping looking at tomatoes - Food labels and buzzwords
Fruits and vegetables should be part of your diet whether they are organic or not.

“Natural,” “organic,” and similar buzzwords on food labels give the impression their contents are less processed, more nutritious or better for us. Some people fear foods without these labels may have additives and contaminants that increase risk of cancer and other health conditions.

But sometimes these foods are more expensive, and not everyone can afford them. It can be hard to decide which packaging claims are worth your money.

Avoiding certain food additives and possible contaminants is a personal choice, said Ashley Short, a Marshfield Clinic dietitian. As you make your decision, think about what claims on the packaging really mean and check the nutrition label. You should try to match your food values with your food dollars.

“Eat a well-balanced and nutrient-dense diet no matter what buzzwords are on the food packaging,” Short said. “For example, it isn’t necessarily better to choose organic cookies over an apple just because the apple isn’t labeled organic.”

What do food packaging claims really mean?


GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are plants or animals whose genetic material has been modified to have specific traits using DNA from different living organisms. Genetically modified animals aren’t approved for human consumption in the U.S.

People have consumed GMOs for 20 years, but they’re still a controversial topic. Some people are concerned they affect food’s nutritional value and create allergens or toxins in the foods. There is currently no documented evidence of human or animal health risk, but there is good reason for ongoing research.

“We’ve seen a lot of progress in mandatory food labeling,” Short said. “You may have seen food labeling statements like ‘partially produced with genetic engineering’ or ‘not made with genetically modified ingredients,’ or ‘non-GMO.’ It’s wonderful that food labels are helping consumers make educated decisions based on their food values.”

Natural and organic

The FDA doesn’t have guidelines for using “natural” on food packaging, so you’ll need to check the label for artificial flavors and ingredients if you want to avoid them.

An organic label tells you more about what you’re getting because the U.S. Department of Agriculture has defined the term. Organic foods are free of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and dyes. They must not be processed using industrial solvents, irradiation or genetic engineering. Food manufacturers may use a few different organic labels:

  • 100% organic
  • USDA organic or certified organic – contains at least 95 percent organic ingredients
  • Made with organic ingredients – contains at least 70 percent organic ingredients

So far there’s no concrete evidence that eating organic food improves human health.

“Fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be part of your diet whether they’re grown organically or not,” Short said.

Hormone-free and antibiotic-free

Labels on pork or poultry products claiming they have no added hormones are meaningless because the FDA requires all pork and poultry sold in the U.S. be raised without added hormones. Cows, however, may be raised with natural and synthetic growth hormones.

Antibiotic residue in meat is already regulated, but livestock and poultry may receive antibiotics to promote growth and prevent disease. The FDA is taking action to limit non-medical antibiotic use to reduce antimicrobial resistance.

There’s still debate in the scientific community over whether growth hormones and antibiotics given to animals raised for food affect human health.


The USDA in 2016 dropped its definition for grass-fed livestock. However, the standard is still on the USDA’s website. It states the animal must be fed grass or grass-based feed after it’s weaned and must have continuous access to pasture during the growing season.

As with other claims, it’s not clear whether eating grass-fed means healthier or more nutritious.

Wild-caught and farm-raised seafood

Wild-caught fish come from natural bodies of water like oceans, rivers and lakes. Farm-raised fish may be raised in tanks, ponds or irrigation ditches. In both cases, the fish may be exposed to unfavorable conditions or harvesting practices.

“A bigger concern is heavy metal contaminants like mercury in certain types of seafood,” Short said. “Try to limit your intake of fish that’s higher in mercury.”

Learn more

If you still think packaging claims are a little unclear, you’re not alone. Your best bet is to choose a balanced diet and to keep reading evidence-based scientific information about food production.

Short suggested using the National Institutes of Health, USDA and FDA websites for updated, accurate information.

5 responses to “Are natural, organic and non-GMO foods better?”

  1. Valerie Schreiner

    I have recently started being very careful about eating only organic, non-GMO certified meat, fruits and vegetables (except for those that are peeled before eating:bananas, avacados). The reason for this is that my husband, who works for the USDA as a meat inspector, was given an article to read about the use of Round-up that is widely used in the US as a pesticide. After reading the article which listed the health problems that have been linked to the use of Round-Up, he gave it to me to read because, as he said, "this is like reading your medical chart". The use of Round-Up has been banned in Europe because of the health problems it can cause. There is no guarantee that switching to organic, grass fed and non-GMO items will reverse these health problems, but in some cases it lessens the intensity of the health problems. For more information, I suggest 2 videos that can be rented on NetFlix or Amazon for $3.99. Food Inc. and Genetic Roulette. Thank you for this informative article.

    1. Susan Shaver

      I do agree. If Europe is not eating roundup, I do not want to either. The corn grown in the USA is almost all GMO, as are Sugar beets and soy, which are made to withstand being sprayed with roundup. If people in the US saw the videos of mice with tumors almost as big as they are from eating those they would not want them either.

      I do not think the FDA is the best resource. I prefer resources from European countries, which are often stricter and not swayed by the company that makes roundup.

      Companies in the US make food products to send to Europe without them, I would like the option to have those same products.

  2. Mary

    If you believe the FDA is the unrefutable authority on food safety and the authoritative conscience of the food industry, you really need to dig into what drives the agency and its operations.

  3. Theresa Marcone

    I agree you must read all the ingredients on the label. When it gets to the part where I can't pronounce something it goes back on the shelf. Good article.

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Thank you for the feedback, Theresa. I like that tip. -Kirstie

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