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Lose 1 pound per week: Shop for smart snacks

Editor’s note: This story is one in a series to help you healthfully lose weight and build a habit of nutritious choices. Here we feature smarter snack swaps.

“High-fiber, low-calorie snacks are great between meals. Try pre-packaged items like low-fat string cheese, or use re-sealable bags to make your own — for example, a serving of almonds or fruits and veggies,” said Jaimee Gregor, a Marshfield Clinic registered dietitian.

Calorie-cutting series: Smarter snacks

Consider these smarter snack swaps next time hunger hits between meals.


calorie cutting snacks infographic

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4 responses to “Lose 1 pound per week: Shop for smart snacks”

  1. Mary Engen

    This is the first time I've seen to substitute applesauce for sugar……usually it's the oil or butter. Does the the baked item retain it's proper texture? I find this really interesting. What percentage of sugar can be swapped before dire consequences of the baked item?

  2. Ginna Glass

    I like this, more please.

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      I'm glad you like the post, Ginna! Thank you for reading.

      We have other posts in this series, too, for breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas. You can see the whole series here: https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/tag/calorie-cutting-series/


      1. Ginna Glass

        Thank you Kirstie

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