Home / Bone & Joint / 5 beginner exercises for stronger legs

5 beginner exercises for stronger legs

Editor’s note: This video is one in a series to help you get a strong, stable lower body. Here we feature beginner level exercises.

Want to run faster, reduce joint pain or improve muscle tone in your legs?

Building strength in your lower body may be easier than you think. You can reach your goals without a gym membership, expensive equipment or long workouts by trying the five exercises in this video.

These exercises target multiple muscle groups at once for maximum effectiveness.

“They’re convenient and fit within a busy lifestyle because they can be performed anywhere, any time,” said Erik Smith, a Marshfield Clinic Health System physical therapist.

Build muscle with these lower body exercises for beginners

Start your journey to stronger legs by performing 10 repetitions of each exercise and two rounds of the circuit every day. Work your way up to 15 repetitions of each exercise and 3 rounds of the circuit. When that seems easy, you’re ready for intermediate exercises.

Don’t forget to start with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your muscles for exercise and to stretch after your workout.

Download beginner exercises


Benefits of strength training

Don’t skip strength training just because you’re not interested in adding big muscles to your body. Strength training has a lot of benefits beyond muscle building, according to Marshfield Clinic Health System physical therapist Karissa Paulsrud. These benefits include:

  • Better athletic performance
  • Fewer injuries from daily activities or exercise
  • Less joint pain
  • Better balance and reduced risk of falls
  • Weight loss
  • Mental health benefits, including stress relief and increased confidence

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2 responses to “5 beginner exercises for stronger legs”

  1. Sarah Babineau

    Would these work for left side weakness after a stroke?

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Hi, Sarah. We shared your question with Karissa, physical therapist, and she said, “Absolutely. These are beginner exercises so, ideally, they’re great for anyone. Just be sure to hold onto something stable for support during each exercise.”

      Remember, these videos are not intended to be medical advice. It’s never a bad idea to consult with your provider first, as he/she knows your medical history best.

      Thank you for reading Shine365. -Kirstie

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