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Surprising choking hazards for kids in your home

Risk of choking increases as children begin to crawl and explore their surrounding world, where choking hazards like peas, pet food and batteries are present.

Choking hazards 4-21 inside
Risk of choking begins as early as four-months old and continues well into toddler years while children explore their surroundings.

“Children are at risk for choking as early as four- to five-months old,” said Katie Udenberg, D.O., pediatrician with Marshfield Clinic Health System.

What is a choking hazard?

As babies begin to crawl, they find things we can’t see from where we stand like parts and pieces of household items, food within their reach or older siblings’ toys.

A choking hazard is any object that can get in your child’s throat and block their airway, making it difficult to breathe.

“Choking risk continues into years beyond baby months as toddlers begin to run with objects in their mouths, having chewing gum when they’re too young, talking with food in their mouths or taking large bites,” Dr. Udenberg said

Use this guide to help prevent your toddlers or babies from choking.

What food is a choking hazard?

Peanut butter
Peanut butter can cause choking because it is thick and sticky. Just a spoonful can easily stick to the roof of your mouth, peanut butter can easily clog your child’s airway. Spread thinly.

When you start to feed your child solid foods, you need to cut chicken, turkey and other lunchmeats into pea-size pieces.

“Feeding your baby or toddler food that the rest of your family is eating at dinner is a great way to introduce them to new foods and textures,” Dr. Udenberg said. “Just remember that they aren’t as good at chewing and swallowing so you may need to cut or cook their food differently.”

A great resource that Dr. Udenberg recommends is Solid Starts website or app to review how to cut or prepare food for kids.

Along with smaller pieces, you should inspect all fish and other meat for hidden bones.

Hot dogs
Hot dogs are a popular food for kids, but round slices are the perfect size to block a child’s airway. Slice hotdogs into noodle-like strips.

Similar to a hot dog’s shape, carrots match a child’s throat just right. Chop and cook carrots for babies. Cut and slice into strips for toddlers.

Grapes (or other fruits)
Grapes are particularly dangerous for babies and children. The safest method is to cut grapes into quarters. Apply this to strawberries, banana slices and other fruits.

Appearing to be soft, squishy and easy-to-eat, marshmallows are a choking hazard in disguise. Marshmallows’ expandable qualities make them difficult to swallow and easy to choke on.

Popcorn, peanuts and nuts
Adults eat these snacks by the handful. Kids want to do the same. Hold off on such snacks until your child is past toddler age.

Hard candy
Hard candy is a common choking hazard, yet many children still get ahold of it.

“If you have older children in the home, help teach them what candy is meant for older kids,” Dr. Udenberg said. “Teach them to ask permission to give any food to their younger siblings.”

Be cautious with these choking hazards around the house

Pet food
Monitor your pets as they eat and move their dishes out of reach when they’re done eating. Younger kids will put these foods in their mouth thinking the dog’s food is their own food.

You can use magnet letters or playful refrigerator magnets for teaching purposes when you’re monitoring your toddler. In all other instances, put magnets out-of-reach. Always double check they are properly put together and magnets are not missing.

Many household items, like round, shiny batteries, look like candy to a child. Keep batteries out-of-reach as well as the items to which they belong. You’ll be surprised by your child’s ability to take items apart.

Laundry pods
Bright-blue, yellow, orange and white laundry pods are not only dangerous choking hazards, they also can cause chemical burns. Be cautious about where you keep these.

Water bottle caps
Water bottles are like crinkly noisemakers for a child. The more they play with them, the easier it becomes to take off the cap.

Doorstop toppers
Take off doorstop toppers or secure them with superglue.

Make a rule in your house about coins. For example, all coins go into a jar on top of the fridge as soon as you get home.

Beanbag chairs
Static, foam pellets are fun, but they’re also dangerous. It only takes a couple of them to block a baby’s airway. Either put beanbag chairs in storage until your child is older or get rid of them entirely.

Latex balloons
No balloons are better than any balloons – blown or deflated. A blown balloon that pops may go straight from your child’s hand to his mouth.

Print choking hazards

Share tips with family members

Share this choking hazard list with family members your child sees frequently like grandparents, aunts, uncles, babysitters and siblings.

“It’s better to be safe than sorry,” she said. “It only takes a minute to cut food into smaller pieces or quickly inspect a new toy.”

For more information on how to prepare if your child is ever in a choking emergency, watch our video on the Heimlich maneuver. This includes a helpful printable sheet for first aid for choking.

For immediate care, visit Marshfield Clinic Health System.

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2 responses to “Surprising choking hazards for kids in your home”

  1. Bomberos Maipu

    But what constitutes a choking hazard, and what can you do to protect your child against choking?

    1. Kirsten Shakal, Shine365 Editor

      Good morning.

      Dr. Peterson said, "A choking hazard can be described as ANYTHING that a child can fit in their mouth. That includes items that we think of as food and also all things that are not thought of as food. That would include toys, coins, pebbles, chunks of food that are too large to swallow whole, and ANYTHING else that comes to mind. Children explore their world by putting things in their mouths. And because it IS their natural curiosity, we adults need our supervisory skills to be sharp and constant."

      Additionally, there are tips for each choking hazard within our guide on how to protect your child. In general, as listed in the story, this means:

      – Placing candy dishes, coin jars and laundry pods out-of-reach.
      – Quartering fruits and vegetables and cutting all foods into small, bite-sized pieces.
      – Inspecting toys and household items for small parts.

      Thank you for reading Shine365. -Kirstie

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