Signs of a depressed guy: Tired, irritable and trouble sleeping
For many men, the thought they have depression seems absurd. It may sound stereotypical, but…
STI tests: What do you need to know and why?
You have annual physical exams and screenings and never receive a diagnosis for a sexually…
Heart attack symptoms, warning signs for men vs. women
This handy guide will give you a better understanding heart attack warning signs — so…
Have a drinking problem? Alcoholism and binge drinking
You’re headed to a fish fry Friday. Then you’re ice fishing Saturday with the guys.…
Advice for new parents with a newborn
Introducing a newborn into your household comes with a load of logistical challenges and a…
Signs of testicular cancer during a self-exam
Unlike most cancers, testicular cancer strikes young men. The average age range for testicular cancer is 15-35.…
Early signs of heart disease in males
Hit pause, guys, before you bite into that bacon cheeseburger or drive past the gym…
Prostate issues and age cause incontinence problems for men
Whether it’s the urge to go or not being able to hold it, people often…
Male infertility: 3 things you should know
After trying to conceive a child for more than a year, experts suggest talking to…