Protecting babies from germs: Tips for family and visitors
It’s normal to want to hold and snuggle your new grandchild, niece or nephew during…
Surprising choking hazards for kids in your home
Risk of choking increases as children begin to crawl and explore their surrounding world, where…
Building toys kindle kids’ creativity
Blocks may be old-fashioned toys, but they’re anything but boring. Building toys like blocks and…
Tips for managing tantrums in toddlers
You’ve heard the term ‘terrible twos.’ It refers to the age when children start seeking…
Melatonin: Good for getting kids to sleep?
If you surf the web trying to find answers to help your child sleep, you…
Breastfeeding versus pumping for breastmilk
American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies consume only breast milk for about the first…
Dietary guidelines: Emphasizing balance for a healthy life
Healthy living is not about what you eat today, last week or last month. It’s…