Bearing the pain: Scaphoid bone fracture (wrist fracture)
Scaphoid bone fracture occurs when falling on an outstretched arm. It is the most common wrist…
Four steps to ankle injury recovery
When an ankle sprain occurs, the first step towards recovery is first-aid treatment using M.I.C.E., a series of…
Two-a-day practices: Refueling for recovery
Many sports use a two-a-day practice regimen to condition and prepare for competition. Maintaining proper…
Ringworm & herpes: How to keep them out of the gym
Gyms are an ideal breeding ground for infectious diseases. Maintaining proper hygiene and clean equipment, gear…
Exercising with a sinus infection
Could an illness get any worse by continuing to exercise through it? For some conditions,…
Quick meals high in protein with real staying power
Pre-game meals that satisfy and help you avoid Bleacher Butt With high-school athletic season in…
Is it groin pain or a sports hernia?
Groin pain is a common complaint among athletes. It’s involved in 5 to 20 percent…