Home / Surgical Care / Weight loss surgery sparks couple’s journey to a healthier life

Weight loss surgery sparks couple’s journey to a healthier life

Darren and Danielle Ashbeck knew they wanted kids someday. Their obesity, however, created health challenges such as sleep apnea and difficulty managing type 1 diabetes that left them wondering whether they’d ever be able to take care of a child.

That motivation, along with a comprehensive bariatric surgery team at Marshfield Clinic Health System, led them to undergo a life-changing surgery together. The hard work, recovery and continued dedication is paying off. The Ashbecks now have a brand new outlook on life and are leading healthier, more active lives than they ever thought possible.

Watch their inspiring story.

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This five-minute online assessment is an easy way to understand whether bariatric surgery is right for you.

For more information about weight loss, talk to a Marshfield Clinic Health System provider.

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One response to “Weight loss surgery sparks couple’s journey to a healthier life”

  1. Nancy Prince

    What a heart-warming story! It brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations to Darren & Danielle! May you remain healthy the rest of your lives together. Marshfield Clinic is THE BEST!

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